Greetings again. I am now back indoors and back to working with companion animals. As mentioned previously, I am now on my block of anesthesia, but before I get into that, here are a couple of finals pictures from my large animal ambulatory medicine block.

The picture above is one of me holding a lamb (duh) where we were called to treat a single ewe in the flock for anemia. The interesting thing about this farm was how the owners had a total of 200 sheep, but didn't market any of them (i.e. they were all pets) and had a name for
every one of them. The ewe that was anemic was 12 years old and had this lamb just recently. Because this was going to be her last lamb, the lamb was fittingly named "Finale".

This picture is of me with one of the school's calves. These lil calf houses are absolutely fantastic for keeping the calves happy and preventing transmissible disease during their most vulnerable time in life. Have no fear, there was nothing wrong with this calf :).

Here, my group and I are doing some assemly line-style vaccinations of calves owned by the school. To the left are two of the food animal professors from the school. I want to note that I was not looking because I didn't hear the photographer wanted us to look at the camera. :P
That's all for now, I'm exhausted from my day at beautiful Smith Mountain Lake, a resort area snuggled in the Appalachians where my wife and I celebrated our 1-year wedding anniversary canoeing and swimming around the lake. More updates to come, stay tuned!
Speaking of cute, I found your 4th grade class picture today. Can I get an "awwww!'?
Hey when you get a sec I need to chat at you a minute, got an animal question for you.
give me a call or shoot me a IM
Not sure if you saw this...
Mike Vick "rescuing" pit bull terriers.
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